for municipalities for the businesses NGOs project management

'Regional Development Center' develops and supports the management of projects of municipalities and NGOs

“Open society” Institute Introduction of the methods for organizational excellence for raising the capacity of municipal governance; Targovishte Municipality
PROJECT: “Introduction of methods of organizational perfection for increase the administrative capacity of Targovishte Municipality”
Implementation of trainings, development of strategic programmes for management and their introduction.

Project PHARE BG0202.02 "Development of Bulgarian Ecotourism" ; Targovishte Municipality
PROJECT: “Creating infrastructure for development of eco-tourism in the municipalities of Targovishte and Veliki Preslav”
Building of modern infrastructure, repairing of the house of the famous artist professor Nikola Marinov in «Varosha» quarter. Elaboration of a packet of tourist services and attractions.

Programmå PHARE BG2003/004.937.11.03 „ Pilot integrated investment scheme for regional development actions (North-East planning region)” ; Targovishte Municipality
PROJECT: „Reconstruction of the connecting road infrastructure for improved accessibility of Targovishte business area”
Improving the access and communication to the bases of private firms where over 2500 people work and the main road Å 772 Sofia – Varna – Sofia.

Programmå PHARE BG 2005/017-353.01.03 “Improving the condition and integration of minority groups in disabled situation with a special focus over Roma”; Targovishte Municipality
PROJECT: Improving the infrastructure of “Malcho Malchev”quarter with concentrated Roma population in the town of Targovishte
Complete reconstruction of the water-supply system, sewerage, road pavements, curbs and sidewalks and building of a playground for children and places for recreation
Programmå PHARE BG2004/016—711.01.01 “Civil Society Development” ; Antonovo Municipality
PROJECT: “Development of local capacity and building of steady partnership in Municipality Antonovo”
Building of a “Center for logistic support” in the town of Antonovo for vocational orientation of the minorities and increase their motivation for labour realization and social adaptation.

Fund «Social supporting», MLSP; Targovishte Municipality
PROJECT: «Building of a daily center for elderly people in Targovishte»
Implemented repair works, gasification, reconstruction of the pensioner's club at “Alexander Stambolijski” Blvd. Fulfilled one of the priorities in the social policy of the local administration for maintenance and functioning the pensioner's clubs as a place for social contacts between people from the third age.

Programmå PHARE BG2005/017-353.01.02 Deinstitutionalisation through provision of community based services for risk groups (PHASE 2) Ugarchin Municipality
PROJECT: «With care for people»
Establishment of a network for provision of the service “Domestic assistant” for 30 lonely adults and people with disabilities in the town of Ugarchin and the villages of Dragana, Mikre, Orlyane, Kalenik, Lesidren, Kirchevo, Katunec




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