- Targovishte region (http://www.tg.government.bg)
- Targovishte Municipality
- Antonov Municipality (http://www.antonovo.bg/)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Targovishte (www.tshte.net/tpp/
- Business Center - Business Incubator - Targovishte(http://www.bctargovishte.org)
- Non-profit club organizatsiy - Targovishte (http://clubngo.org)
- FLGR (http://www.flgr.bg)
Vocational Training Centers;
- Scientific - Technical Unions, Targovishte;
- Vocational Training Center 'Knowledge and progress', Dobrich
- Scientific - Technical Unions, Pleven;
- "Bulmod Ltd., Byala, Rousse region;
- Vaneda Ltd., Targovishte;
- GERA 3;
- ET Dalia - Todorka Vassileva, Telish village, Pleven region,
- DIMOV OIL Ltd., Targovishte region, city of Targovishte,
- Style Furniture Ltd., Targovishte;
- Module AD, Byala, Rousse region, www.modul-biala.com
- CEM Agro, Pirinets village, municipality Antonov
- Polyanitsa AD Targovishte city,
- TEHNOTEKS AD Pazardzhik City;
- Bread and confectionary Ltd., Targovishte;
- ET Sky - Stela Antonova, Turgovishte
- High School II "Prof.Nikola Marinov" (http://tg-2sou.hit.bg)
- PGHVT "Aleko Konstantinov"(http://www.vetschools-bg.com)