for municipalities for the businesses NGOs project management

RDC develops projects with strong social and educational purpose to contribute to development and consolidation of civil society. RDC implemets effective partnerships with schools, NGOs and public institutions.

×Private Foundation “D-r Karl Shonfeld Brunen” Confederation Switzerland; Regional Development Center
PROJECT: „Canteen for Targovishte”
Improved conditions for preparation of cooked warm food in the communal kitchen of „Social patronage Targovishte”. Repair of kitchen premises and canteen. Purchased equipment and motorcar for food delivery in the homes of needy and disabled people from Targovishte Municipality.

Programme «Community Forum» , Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Municipality Targovishte; Regional Development Center
PROJECT: ”For more clear air and less noise”
Green belt in the yard of the school, built organization of forestation with trees and bushes, encouragement of volunteering, organization of education activities and sport feast. «Ivan Vazov» Primary School is a project partner
Programme for small projects of Global Ecological Funds (GEF); Association „Missionis”
PROJECT: “POPs – “ Unknown Danger”
Implementation of national information-explanatory campaign about the harm from Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) on environment and health of people. The long-term objective is to increase ecological culture about restriction of unregulated burning of agricultureal and domestic waste. RDC is a project partner..

PHARE BG 0204.02 – 11 – LOT 3 «Civil Society Development»; Association „Missionis”
PROJECT: “Establishing of integration model of partnership between Roma children and policemen”
Socialization of minority groups, increase of their informativeness about the role of the regional inspector and specialists from Juvenile Delinquency Commission. Improvement the capacity of knowledge of policemen from RPO – Targovishte in the field of human rights. RDC is a project partner.








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