for municipalities for the businesses NGOs project management

The investment activity has great importance for economic development of the region. RDC has directed its own activities to creation of favourable conditions of the investment climate and preconditions for successful development of the local business. Because the economic development is the only way to inprove the life standard of the population.

Programmå Active services in the labour market of Employment Agency on Debt agreement with World Bank
Regional Development Center
PROJECT: „Supporting of small business in Targovishte District”
Implementation of a training and provision of individual consultations for beginning entrepreneurs and new-registered firms. Creation of preconditions for development of business and activating of the labour market .

Programmå USAID, FLGR
“Targovishte Regional Development Center” Association
PROJECT: “Informational Bridge of Partnership”
Training of municipal officersfrom municipalities of Targovishte and Omurtag for effective servicing of the business, publication of information materials for RDC and creation actual database for the economic potential of the region.

PHARE BG0102.05 “Initiatives on the labor market; Regional Development Center
PROJECT: “Road Card for Successful Business”
Implementation of training seminars with owners and managers of firms from the region in business planning and firm organization, in partnership with “Education and Business” Foundation, Sofia. Elaboration of strategic plans for development.

Programmå Phare EUROPAID/114711/D/SV/BG; Regional Development Center
PROJECT: “European Standards for Biological Production and Their Representation in Targovishte”
Organization of information campaign for European standards in the sphere of biological production in partnership with Targovishte Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Organization of training seminars for agriculture and protection of environment.

Phare Bg 2004/016-711.11.04 Competitiveness Grant Scheme, MÅÅ (Phase 1)
Bread - and- Confectionary Production LTD Targovishte
PROJECT: “European Standards at “Bread – and – Confectionary Production” LTD in Targovishte”
Modernization of the production process for purchase of new machines for production of bread and confectionary and introduction of quality management system ISO 9001.

Phare Bg 2005/017-353.10.04 Competitiveness Grant Scheme, MÅÅ (Phase 2)
PROJECT: “Mebel Still” – New Way of Management
Updating and modernization of the production capacity and technologies new specialized equipment for the furniture production purchased and increased competitiveness of the company.




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